Jun 182014
Milton Kotler Interview SORULAR Magazine

-How did you define the 8 ways of growth? Are those ways applicable for every type of company? Turkey has had a decade of great economic growth, but is now facing a declining period, due in great part to transnational monetary, trade and investment circumstances. She is now roughly in the same distressed condition as the U.S. and European countries, [read more]

Jun 142014
Marketing Social Value by Milton Kotler, 2.13.13

Social marketing has been around for several decades, since Philip Kotler’s pioneering work in social cause marketing. What started out two decades ago as an arena of marketing for non-profit organizations to help good causes raise awareness, action and money, has now evolved into a mantra of consumer and B2B branding. A new principle has been added to the traditional 4Ps [read more]